How To Get Help
Should you require help from Care for Guildford then our only criteria is that you live in the old borough of Guildford.
This is the town centre, Onslow Village, Park Barn, Burpham, Merrow and Stoughton
You can apply directly for help or for another person by telephoning 01483 566 635 where you will speak to a volunteer who is a Duty Officer for the day.
This number is open 9am - 1pm and 2pm - 4pm Monday to Friday. There is an automated message outside these hours and you may sometimes hear it within these hours. This simply means the Duty Officer is busy on another call and we would ask that you try again in a few minutes.
As a new client we will have to register you so the duty officer will ask you for some personal details. As well as the more obvious things, we like to know the name of your GP, the contact details of someone to call in case of emergency and any particular need that you might have like being hard of hearing, or using a walking frame
We do ask that where possible you give at least one week's notice for any driving job that you ask of us. We will always try our very best to find someone suitable but our ability to do any job is subject to the availability of a suitable volunteer
Although we are a charity, we do rely on donations especially for transport outside the borough of Guildford and have recently introduced a minimum amount for these journeys